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202 views • June 8, 2024

《永不失聯的愛 / Unbreakable Love》周星哲 - 網路劇(小妖的金色城堡)主題曲 Cello cover 大提琴版本 -『cover by YoYo Cello』【華語經典歌曲系列】

YoYo Cello
YoYo Cello
《永不失聯的愛》是根據中國女作家饒雪漫的小說《小妖的金色城堡》改編的網路劇的主題曲,台灣歌手周興哲為該劇男主角。饒雪漫希望周興哲能夠為劇集創作一首主題曲。有一天,周興哲在劇組休息時,隨意哼唱了一段旋律,覺得非常不錯,便錄在手機裡。隔天,周興哲便完成了整首歌曲,並將其寄給饒雪漫。饒雪漫僅用了一天時間就寫好了歌詞,最終成就了這首動人的歌曲《永不失聯的愛》。 《永不失聯的愛》這首歌充滿了對於愛情的深刻體悟和真摯情感的表達,同時也反映出對於分離和思念的痛苦,還有對情人的不捨和不放棄。它有著對於情人歸來的期待和渴望,以及對於愛情的堅持和信念。這種真摯的情感深深觸動人心,讓人深刻體會到愛情的力量和意義。 透過周星哲清亮的嗓音和假聲、真聲間巧妙的轉換,使這首歌曲的情感呈現更加豐富、更有層次感,完美的表達出一段刻骨銘心的愛情以及對永恆愛情的渴望和堅定信念。然對於唱不出歌詞的大提琴來說要詮釋出歌曲中的那種意境殊屬不易,也或許您能經由YoYo的演奏感受到不一樣的情境吧! (華語歌詞)…………………… 親愛的你躲在哪裏發呆 有什麼心事還無法釋懷 我們總把人生想得太壞 像旁人不允許我們的怪 每一片與眾不同的雲彩 都需要找到天空去存在 我們都習慣了原地徘徊 卻無法習慣被依賴 你給我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛 相信愛的征途就是星辰大海 美好劇情 不會更改 是命運最好的安排 你是我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛 何苦殘忍逼我把手輕輕放開 請快回來 想聽你説 説你還在 走過陪你看流星的天台 熬過失去你漫長的等待 好擔心沒人懂你的無奈 離開我誰還把你當小孩 我猜你一定也會想念我 也怕我失落在茫茫人海 沒關係只要你肯回頭望 會發現我一直都在 你給我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛 你的每條訊息都是心跳節拍 每秒都想 擁你入懷 全世界你最可愛 你是我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛 就算你的呼吸遠在千山之外 請你相信 我給的愛 值得你愛 °﹒☆°.﹒°∴°﹒★°∵°﹒☆°﹒★°∴°﹒☆ 大提琴:吳登凱YoYo 攝影總監.剪輯調色:Santon.W 文稿:西風 更多 吳登凱 YoYo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoyo_cello/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yoyocello Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@yoyo_cello 您慷慨解囊的贊助是YoYo持續創作的動力來源 歐付寶|https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/BCAFF9E9D687672949A6A3D73A281151 PayPal|https://paypal.me/wuyoyocello?locale.x=zh_TW 匯 款| 銀行: 國泰世華(013) 戶名:吳登凱 帳號:115506188182 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ "Unbreakable Love" is the theme song of the web series adapted from the novel "The Elfin's Golden Castle" by Chinese female writer Rao Xueman, with Taiwanese singer Eric Chou as the male lead of the series. Rao Xueman hoped Eric Chou could create a theme song for the series. One day, during a break on set, Eric Chou casually hummed a melody, finding it quite pleasant, he recorded it on his phone. Eric Chou completed the song the next day and sent it to Rao Xueman. Rao Xueman took only one day to write the lyrics, ultimately creating the moving song "Unbreakable Love". The song "Unbreakable Love" is filled with profound insights into love and sincere expressions of emotion. It also reflects the pain of separation and longing and the reluctance and perseverance towards loved ones. It embodies the anticipation and yearning for the return of loved ones, along with a steadfast belief in love. Such sincere emotions deeply touch the heart, allowing one to profoundly understand the power and meaning of love. Through Eric Chou's clear and bright voice and the clever transition between falsetto and chest voice, the song's emotions are presented in a richer and more layered manner, perfectly expressing a deeply engraved love and the desire for eternal love. However, interpreting the mood of the song, especially for the cello that can't sing out lyrics, is certainly not easy. Perhaps you could experience a different scenario through YoYo's performance! (Lyrics in English)…………………… Darling, where are you lost in thought? What worries are still lingering in your heart? We always view life too negatively, Like outsiders not allowing our peculiarities. Every unique cloud in the sky Needs to find its place to exist. We're used to wandering in place, But can't get used to being relied upon. You give me a love I never want to lose in this lifetime, Believing the journey of love is among the stars and the sea. Beautiful plots won't change, It's destiny's best arrangement. You're mine, A love I never want to lose in this lifetime. Why cruelly force me to let go gently? Please come back soon, I want to hear you say That you're still here. We've walked through nights watching shooting stars, Endured the long wait without you. I worry no one understands your helplessness, Who will treat you like a child after I leave? I guess you must miss me too, Afraid I'll be lost in the sea of ​​people. It's okay as long as you're willing to look back, You'll find I've always been there. You give me a love I never want to lose in this lifetime, Every message of yours is like the rhythm of a heartbeat. I want to hold you in my arms every second, You're the cutest in the world. You're mine, A love I never want to lose in this lifetime, Even if your breath is far beyond a thousand mountains. Please believe, The love I give you is worth lov
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