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131 views • June 1, 2024

《恰似你的溫柔 / Just Like Your Tenderness》蔡琴Tsai Chin - Cello cover 大提琴版本 -『cover by YoYo Cello』【華語經典歌曲系列】

YoYo Cello
YoYo Cello
《恰似你的溫柔》是由梁弘志作詞譜曲,蔡琴演唱的華語歌曲。這首歌曲以其細膩的旋律和真摯的歌詞打動了無數聽眾的心,1980年推出後迅速成為華語樂壇的經典。蔡琴溫柔而渾厚的嗓音完美契合了這首歌的氛圍,她用獨特的聲線和真摯的情感,將歌曲中的柔情蜜意演繹得淋漓盡致,讓人彷彿置身於充滿愛與溫暖的世界,也因此奠定了她在華語歌壇的地位。《恰似你的溫柔》的成功也讓更多人關注到華語抒情歌曲的魅力,促進了華語流行音樂的發展。 《恰似你的溫柔》的曲調優美,旋律流暢,整首歌以緩慢的節奏展開,配合蔡琴低沉而富有磁性的嗓音,營造出靜謐而溫馨的氛圍。它的編曲簡單卻不失精緻,蔡琴的歌聲更增添了這首歌豐富的層次感,使人陶醉其中。自發行以來,《恰似你的溫柔》廣受好評,成為無數華語音樂愛好者的最愛。它不僅在台灣和中國廣為流傳,也在全球華人社群中獲得了極大的認同。這首歌溫柔婉轉的旋律和感人至深的歌詞,跨越了時間和空間的限制,成為無數人心中的經典。 《恰似你的溫柔》的歌詞描繪了對戀人深深的思念與不舍,句句動人心弦。開頭的“某年某月的某一天,就像一張破碎的臉”生動展現了離別的痛苦與無奈。接下來的“難以開口道再見,就讓一切走遠”表達了對於告別的無奈和放手的無助。 “這不是件容易的事,我們卻都沒有哭泣,讓它淡淡的來,讓它好好的去”,這段歌詞展現了面對離別的堅強與冷靜,用平靜的語氣述說著心中的波瀾。副歌部分“到如今年復一年,我不能停止懷念,懷念你懷念從前”表達了對過去美好時光的深深懷念,讓人感受到歲月流逝中不變的思念之情。 “但願那海風再起,只為那浪花的手,恰似你的溫柔”則將戀人的溫柔比喻為浪花的觸感,營造出柔和而纏綿的感覺,這種細膩的表達深深觸動了無數聽眾的心弦。 《恰似你的溫柔》極大部分是以其歌詞來烘托出歌曲的意境。如果用大提琴來演繹這首歌曲,拿掉歌詞是否同樣能傳達歌曲的情感呢?邀請您一起來聆賞YoYo的演奏。 (華語歌詞)…………………… 某年某月的某一天 就像一張破碎的臉 難以開口道再見 就讓一切走遠 這不是件容易的事 我們卻都沒有哭泣 讓它淡淡的來 讓它好好的去 到如今 年復一年 我不能停止懷念 懷念你懷念從前 但願那 海風再起 只為那浪花的手 恰似你的溫柔 某年某月的某一天 就像一張破碎的臉 難以開口道再見 就讓一切走遠 這不是件容易的事 我們卻都沒有哭泣 讓它淡淡的來 讓它好好的去 到如今 年復一年 我不能停止懷念 懷念你懷念從前 但願那 海風再起 只為那浪花的手 恰似你的溫柔 到如今 年復一年 我不能停止懷念 懷念你懷念從前 但願那 海風再起 只為那浪花的手 恰似你的溫柔 ﹒°﹒☆°.﹒°∴°﹒★°∵°﹒☆°﹒★°∴°﹒☆ 大提琴:吳登凱YoYo 攝影總監.剪輯調色:Santon.W 文稿:西風 更多 吳登凱 YoYo Instagram: Facebook: Youtube: 您慷慨解囊的贊助是YoYo持續創作的動力來源 歐付寶| PayPal| 匯 款| 銀行: 國泰世華(013) 戶名:吳登凱 帳號:115506188182 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ "Just Like Your Tenderness" is a Mandarin song written and composed by Vincent Liang and performed by Tsai Chin. With its delicate melody and sincere lyrics, this song has touched countless listeners' hearts since its release in 1980, quickly becoming a classic in Mandarin music. Tsai Chin's gentle and rich voice perfectly matches the song's atmosphere. With her unique vocal timbre and genuine emotion, she vividly brings out the song's tenderness and affection, immersing listeners in a world full of love and warmth, solidifying her status in the Mandarin music industry. The success of "Just Like Your Tenderness" also drew more attention to the charm of Mandarin ballads, promoting the development of Mandarin pop music. The melody of "Just Like Your Tenderness" is beautiful and smooth, unfolding slowly. Combined with Tsai Chin's deep and magnetic voice, it creates a serene and cozy atmosphere. The arrangement is simple yet exquisite, and Tsai Chin's singing adds rich layers to the song, making it captivating. Since its release, "Just Like Your Tenderness" has received widespread acclaim and has become a favorite among Mandarin music lovers. It is widely popular in Taiwan and China and among Chinese communities worldwide. Its gentle and graceful melody and deeply moving lyrics transcend time and space, becoming a classic in the hearts of many. The lyrics of "Just Like Your Tenderness" depict deep longing and reluctance towards a lover, with every line striking a chord. The opening lines, "One day in some year and some month, like a broken face," vividly portray the pain and helplessness of parting. The following line, "It's hard to say goodbye, just let everything fade away," expresses the reluctance and helplessness of letting go. "This is not an easy thing, but we didn't cry. Let it come gently, let it go well," these lyrics show strength and calmness in the face of separation, narrating inner turmoil with a peaceful tone. The chorus, "Year after year, I cannot stop missing you, missing the past," conveys deep nostalgia for the beautiful times gone by, making one feel the unchanging sense of longing despite the passage of time. "May the sea breeze rise again, just for the touch of the waves, just like your tenderness," compares the lover's tenderness to the touch of waves, creating a soft and lingering feeling. This delicate expression deeply touches the hearts of countless listeners. "Just Like Your Tenderness" largely relies on its lyrics to set the song's mood. If this song were performed with a cello by
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