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90 views • July 6, 2024

《一簾幽夢 / Fantasies Behind The Pearly Curtain》劉家昌 Cello cover 大提琴版本 -『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典華語歌曲系列】

YoYo Cello
YoYo Cello
《一簾幽夢》是劉家昌為同名電影所譜寫的主題曲,這部電影根據瓊瑤的同名長篇愛情小說改編,也改編成電視劇,它描寫了愛情、親情、友情間難以割捨又不得不的複雜情愫。 故事以汪家豪宅中的銀婚紀念宴會開場,這是汪展鵬(汪父)和舜娟(汪母)的紀念日。汪家的長女汪綠萍光芒四射,剛從大學畢業,準備出國留學。她不僅外貌出眾,且才華橫溢,是家中的驕傲。相較之下,次女汪紫菱活潑好動,但學業不佳,屢次重考大學未果,經常被母親拿來與優秀的姐姐比較,內心自卑。 在這次宴會上,妹妹紫菱與成功商人費雲帆第一次邂逅。費雲帆是一位成熟穩重的中年男子,儘管年齡相差近20歲,他們在情感上卻彼此理解和支持。費雲帆雖事業有成,但感情上屢遭挫敗,多次離婚。 汪家與楚家是世交,楚濂和楚漪與汪家姐妹從小青梅竹馬。楚濂是一位知名建築設計工程師,他與綠萍被兩家視為天生一對。然而,楚濂發現自己真正愛的是妹妹紫菱,因為她的活潑、調皮和不拘小節深深吸引了他。而妹妹紫菱也暗戀楚濂,但因為姐姐的關係,她一直壓抑自己的感情。 某天,楚濂在幫妹妹紫菱溫習功課時向她表白,紫菱也坦承對他的愛,但她不願傷害姐姐,於是拒絕了楚濂。楚濂決定向綠萍提出分手,但在此之前,他因心神不寧發生車禍,導致綠萍失去一條腿和留學機會。楚濂因愧疚決定娶綠萍為妻,而紫菱只能無奈接受楚濂成為她的「姊夫」。 費雲帆在妹妹紫菱無助時成為她的支柱,幫助她面對這複雜的情感糾葛。他們之間的關係逐漸加深,費雲帆用他的成熟和包容,讓妹妹紫菱重新找回自信。為了讓紫菱快樂,他帶她遊歷歐洲和大半個地球,無微不至地照顧她,讓她逐漸忘卻痛苦。 多年後,紫菱最終選擇了費雲帆。經歷滄海桑田的變遷後,他們在一次偶然重逢中重新牽手,證明了那份不變的真愛。驕傲的紫菱最終找到了她的幸福,與費雲帆共度餘生。 這個故事希望能透過劇情的描述,讓人更能體會出音樂所要傳達的情感。 (華語歌詞)…………………… 我有一簾幽夢 不知與誰能共 多少秘密在其中 欲訴無人能懂 窗外更深露重 今夜落花成塚 春來春去俱無蹤 徒留一簾幽夢 誰能解我情衷 誰將柔情深種 若能相知又相逢 共此一簾幽夢 窗外更深露重 今夜落花成塚 春來春去俱無蹤 徒留一簾幽夢 °﹒☆°.﹒°∴°﹒★°∵°﹒☆°﹒★°∴°﹒☆ 大提琴:吳登凱YoYo 攝影總監.剪輯調色:Santon.W 文稿:西風 更多 吳登凱 YoYo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoyo_cello/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yoyocello Youmaker: https://www.youmaker.com/c/Olybg2LPR5... 您慷慨解囊的贊助是YoYo持續創作的動力來源 歐付寶|https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/D... PayPal|https://paypal.me/wuyoyocello?locale.... 匯 款| 銀行: 國泰世華(013) 戶名:吳登凱 帳號:115506188182 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ "Fantasies Behind The Pearly Curtain" is a theme song composed by Steven Liu for the movie of the same name. This film is adapted from the long romance novel by the Taiwanese writer Chiung Yao, and it has also been made into a television series. The story explores the complex emotions intertwined in love, family, and friendship. The story begins with a silver wedding anniversary celebration at the luxurious Wang family mansion, marking the anniversary of Mr. Wang (Wang Zhanpeng) and Mrs. Wang (Shunjuan). The family's eldest daughter, Wang Leping, shines brightly, having just graduated from university and preparing to study abroad. She is beautiful and talented, making her the pride of the family. In contrast, the younger daughter, Wang Ziling, is lively and energetic but struggles academically, having failed multiple attempts to get into university. She is often compared unfavorably to her outstanding sister by their mother, which fuels her feelings of inadequacy. At this party, the younger sister Ziling meets the successful businessman Fei Yunfan for the first time. Fei Yunfan is a mature and stable middle-aged man. Despite the nearly 20-year age gap, they find a mutual understanding and support in each other. Although Fei Yunfan is successful in his career, he has faced multiple failures in his love life, including several divorces. The Wang family is close friends with the Chu family, and Chu Lian and his sister Chu Yi grew up alongside the Wang sisters. Chu Lian is a well-known architectural engineer, and he and Leping are considered a perfect match by both families. However, Chu Lian discovers he truly loves the younger sister Ziling because of her lively, mischievous, and carefree nature. Ziling, in turn, has secretly loved Chu Lian but has suppressed her feelings due to her sister. One day, while helping Ziling with her studies, Chu Lian confesses his feelings. Ziling admits her love for him but refuses to hurt her sister, so she rejects Chu Lian. Determined to break up with Leping, Chu Lian plans to do so but gets into an accident due to his distraction, causing Leping to lose a leg and her opportunity to study abroad. Guilt-ridden, Chu Lian decides to marry Leping to take responsibility, leaving Ziling to accept her beloved becoming her "brother-in-law." Fei Yunfan becomes Ziling’s support during her time of distress, helping her navigate the complex emotional entanglements. Their relationship deepens as Fei Yunfan’s maturity and compassion help Ziling regain her confidence. To make Ziling happy, he takes her on a journey through Europe and much of the world, meticulously caring for her and helping her forget her sorrows. Years later, Ziling finally chooses Fei Yunfan. After many changes and separations, they me
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