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144 views • May 25, 2024

《Les Misérables Medley》悲慘世界(孤星淚)組曲 - Cello cover 大提琴版本 -『cover by YoYo Cello』【音樂劇系列】Ft. 陳宥文

YoYo Cello
YoYo Cello
《悲慘世界》(Les Misérables)又名(孤星淚)是音樂劇的經典之作,由克勞德-米歇爾·勳伯格(Claude-Michel Schönberg)譜曲,阿蘭·布伯利(Alain Boublil)撰寫劇本,靈感來自維克多·雨果(Victor Hugo)的同名小說。這部音樂劇以其動人的音樂和深刻的故事情節,打動了無數觀眾的心。這次MV特別邀請音樂才子陳宥文將其改編成鋼琴和大提琴的演奏,選取音樂劇中的六首經典歌曲組成了一部扣人心弦的組曲,這六首歌曲概略介紹如下: 1. Look Down (天可憐見) 組曲以音樂劇的開場曲"Look Down" 開啟序幕,旋律中充滿了工人和囚犯的哀嘆聲,表達了他們對困苦生活的無奈和對未來的渴望。大提琴以其深沉的音色,通過沉重且反覆的低音,展現了壓迫的感覺;傳遞出悲慘和絕望的情感,引領聽眾進入猶如置身於19世紀法國的黑暗角落。 2. I Dreamed A Dream (我曾有夢) "I Dreamed A Dream" 是音樂劇中由芳汀(Fantine)演唱的歌曲,講述了她對美好生活的憧憬和現實的殘酷打擊。鋼琴和大提琴在這首曲子中表現出夢幻與哀傷的交織,柔和的旋律像是芳汀的內心獨白;大提琴和鋼琴相互呼應,增添了情感的層次,隨著大提琴音域的逐次攀高,將芳汀心中的痛苦表達得淋漓盡致。 3. There Is A Castle On A Cloud (雲端城堡) "There Is A Castle On A Cloud" 是由小珂賽特(Young Cosette)演唱的一首充滿童真幻想的歌曲,描述了她夢中的城堡,那裡沒有痛苦和悲傷。鋼琴用輕快的節奏和簡單的旋律佐以大提琴的撥奏進入主題,帶出小女孩的純真和夢想;大提琴繼以溫柔的音色,烘托出這份純真的美好,讓人感受到一絲希望的光芒。 4. On My Own (形單影隻) "On My Own" 是由艾潘妮(Éponine)所獨唱,表達了她對馬留斯(Marius)的單戀和孤獨。 艾潘妮內心的掙扎經由大提琴的深情演繹,將她的孤寂和無奈表達得淋漓盡致,讓人不禁為她的命運而心碎。 5. Do You Hear The People Sing (民之所欲,可在你心?) "Do You Hear The People Sing" 是一首充滿革命激情的歌曲,召喚人們起來反抗暴政。充滿精神而高昂的旋律,傳遞出革命者的決心和勇氣;大提琴的深沉共鳴,增強了歌曲的磅礡氣勢,讓聽眾彷彿看到了革命者在街頭高歌的壯麗場景。 6. One Day More (只待明天) "One Day More" 是音樂劇中最壯觀的歌曲之一,各個角色在這首曲子中表達了對明天的不同期望。鋼琴在這首曲子中,用複雜的和弦和變化多端的節奏,勾勒出不同人物的情感;大提琴則以其宏大的音色,將各種情感交織在一起,形成一幅音樂的畫卷,預示著即將到來的風暴。 這部由陳侑文精心編排的組曲,通過他精湛的鋼琴和YoYo深情的大提琴演繹,將《悲慘世界》的核心情感表達得淋漓盡致。鋼琴和大提琴的完美結合,不僅保留了原作的精髓,更賦予了每首曲子新的生命力。這部組曲不僅是一場音樂的饗宴,更是一段心靈的旅程,帶領聽眾重溫這部經典音樂劇的動人故事。 ﹒°﹒☆°.﹒°∴°﹒★°∵°﹒☆°﹒★°∴°﹒☆ 大提琴:吳登凱YoYo 編曲+鋼琴演奏:陳宥文 攝影總監.剪輯調色:Santon.W 文稿:西風 更多 吳登凱 YoYo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoyo_cello/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yoyocello Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@yoyo_cello 您慷慨解囊的贊助是YoYo持續創作的動力來源 歐付寶|https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/BCAFF9E9D687672949A6A3D73A281151 PayPal|https://paypal.me/wuyoyocello?locale.x=zh_TW 匯 款| 銀行: 國泰世華(013) 戶名:吳登凱 帳號:115506188182 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Les Misérables is a classic musical composed by Claude-Michel Schönberg, with a libretto by Alain Boublil, inspired by Victor Hugo's novel of the same name. This musical has deeply moved audiences with its touching music and profound storyline. In this special music video, talented musician Yu-Wen Chen has adapted six iconic songs from the musical into a suite for piano and cello. Here is a brief introduction to these six pieces: Look Down The suite opens with "Look Down," filled with the laments of workers and prisoners, expressing their helplessness and longing for a better future. The cello's deep tones convey oppression and despair, drawing listeners into the dark corners of 19th-century France. I Dreamed a Dream Sung by Fantine, this song tells of her dreams of a better life and the cruel reality she faces. The piano and cello blend dreaminess and sorrow, with the cello's rising pitches vividly expressing Fantine's pain. There Is a Castle on a Cloud Young Cosette sings this innocent, fantasy-filled song, describing her dream of a castle without pain or sadness. The piano's light and simple melody, accompanied by the cello's warm tones, captures the purity and hope of a child's dream. On My Own Éponine's solo expresses her unrequited love for Marius and her loneliness. The piano and cello depict Éponine's inner struggles, with the cello's soulful performance conveying her solitude and despair. Do You Hear the People Sing This revolutionary anthem calls people to rise against tyranny. The piano's powerful melody and the cello's deep resonance enhance the song's grandeur, making listeners feel the rebels' triumphant spirit. One Day More An ensemble number where various characters express their different expectations for the coming day. The piano's complex chords and the cello's grand tones weave these emotions together, creating a musical tableau that foreshadows the impending storm. This suite, meticulously arranged by Yu-Wen Chen, is brought to life through his masterful piano playing and soulful cello performance. Together, they capture the core emotions of Les Misérables, offering a musical feast and a journey through the classic story. °﹒☆﹒°∴°﹒★°∴°﹒☆°﹒★°∴°﹒☆ Cello: YoYo Deng-Kai, Wu Arrange and Piano: Yu-Wen, Chen Photography.Video: Santon.
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