{"status":"ok","data":{"id":307279, "system_id":"60bb93fa-d621-4d44-b9d0-420b9621cb57", "video_uid":"60bb93fa-d621-4d44-b9d0-420b9621cb57", "path":"WEZ42xRLJePV", "path_name":"", "path_link":"/video/2020-election-investigation-who-is-stealing-america-671529123257299023.html", "title":"2020 Election Investigation: Who Is Stealing America?", "description":"2020 is a most unusual year.\n\nIt began with the unprecedented global pandemic of the CCP virus, and it will conclude with the globally captivating U.S. presidential election.\n\nOn Election Night, Nov. 3, an assortment of anomalies were observed, followed by an increasing barrage of election fraud allegations on social media. As the election's integrity continued to be questioned and the “Stop the Steal” movement gained momentum with the American public, mainstream media stuck to a one-sided narrative, calling the 2020 election the most secure in American history and silencing conflicting voices.\n\nAmerica is on the verge of becoming a fractured nation. The results of the 2020 election will not only decide the future of the United States, they also determine the future of the world.\n\nThe Epoch Times' investigative team quickly went to work after Election Night. In an attempt to uncover suspicious issues hidden behind the election, investigative reporter Joshua Phillip navigated across the country to each swing state, interviewing whistleblowers, big data experts, and election experts.\n\nThis is also the first investigative documentary on election integrity in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.\n\nWhat bizarre incidents occurred in the thick of night on Election Night? What are the broken aspects of mail-in ballots? Is Dominion voting systems secure or not? What secrets lie behind the $400 million USD received by the parent company of Dominion before the election? Who is trying to manipulate the U.S. election behind the scenes? Who is the benefactor of an increasingly divided American society? What will become of America at this historical juncture? What choice should you, I, and every American patriot make? The Epoch Times' investigative team presents to you a detailed investigative report.\n\nThe documentary will premiere on The Epoch Times and NTD websites at 12:00 p.m. ET Monday:\n\nThe Epoch Times website:\n\nhttps://www.theepochtimes.com\n\nNTD website:\n\nhttps://www.ntd.com", "uploaded_at":"2020-12-14T16:16:59Z", "published":1, "published_at":"2021-01-11T15:07:58Z", "data":{"status":"Processed","percentage":1,"sdPercentage":1,"previewStatus":"Processed","thumbnailStatus":"Processed","videoAssets":{"Stream":"//vs1.youmaker.com/assets/2020/1214/60bb93fa-d621-4d44-b9d0-420b9621cb57/playlist.m3u8"},"thumbnailAssets":{},"width":854,"height":480,"duration":5613,"preview":{}}, "category_id":11, "thumbmail_path":"//vs1.youmaker.com/assets/2020/1214/60bb93fa-d621-4d44-b9d0-420b9621cb57/thumbnail_h.jpg", "scheduled_time":"2020-12-14T11:16:59Z", "premiere":0, "live":0, "live_status":"", "allow_rating":1, "allow_embed":1, "notify_subscriber":0, "allow_comment":1, "tag":"Voter Fraud, Dominion, election", "keywords":"", "credit":"EMG NTD Chinese", "featured":1, "homepage":1, "headline":0, "privacy":1, "license_type":1, "uploaded_by":"CrossroadsJoshua", "uploaded_by_email":"", "status":"uploaded", "click":2221870, "provider_id":34, "provider_name":"EMG NTD Chinese", "teaser":0, "active":1, "deleted":0, "updated_at":"2024-06-19T19:56:09Z", "updated_by":"xiuhua.sun", "updated_by_id":5459, "updated_by_email":"", "language_id":1, "language":"English", "download":0, "is_external":0, "source_url":"", "channel_id":1093, "channel_uid":"5320bda9-baf2-46db-b7a1-870234ae7261", "channel_path":"g42yKV2lNarj", "channel_name":"NTD", "channel_avatar":"ymk/image/20231128/ENTD_1701201050333.jpeg", "channel_privacy":1, "channel_path_link":"/channel/ntd-672261166072857669.html", "language_code":"en", "language_native":"English", "language_neutral":0, "language_scope":"", "media_type":3}}