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402 views • August 9, 2021

【米之味_煲仔飯| 米之趣_米雕】泰國茉莉香米Thai Hom Mali| 美味人生 S3 EP1

~ 用最簡單的方式,享受米的原始本味 ~ 說起泰國的美食 Speaking of Thai food, 一定會想到冬蔭功湯、木瓜沙拉、泰式咖哩 One immediately thinks of Tom Yum soup, papaya salad, thai curry dishes, 好吃的美食太多 There are so many varieties. 一時半刻也講不完 The list goes on and on. 但有一樣絕對有代表性 But one item is definitelythe signature item. 就是泰國香米 It’s Thai fragrant rice. 在世界許多國家 In many countries around the world, 說到東方的大米 the first rice variety people think of 第一被提及的 when speaking about rice is always 一定是泰國香米 Thai fragrant rice. 泰國香米不僅僅代表了泰國的美食 Thai fragrant rice signifies not just Thai food 還代表著亞洲的飲食文化 but the food cultures of Asia as well. 泰國政府為香米製定了 The Thai government sets stringent standards for 極其嚴苛的篩選標準 Thai fragrant rice, 讓泰國香米成為全球的品牌 which helped to make it into a global brand. 也就是聞名遐邇的泰國茉莉香米 It is known worldwide as Thai Jasmine Rice. 顏色白淨如茉莉花 Jasmine rice is white and pure like jasmine flower. 米粒細長 Its grains are thin and long. 外表晶瑩剔透 They are glistening and translucent. 香糯的口感和獨特的斑蘭葉香味, The rice is sticky and has the unique aroma of pandan leaf. 讓泰國香米成了許多廚師的最愛 Because of these features, Jasmine Rice is popular among chefs. 在中國也一樣受到歡迎 Chinese people love it too. 給我第一印象就是很香這個米 My first impression is its aroma. 剛開始我還以為他放了什麼進去 At first I thought the fragrance is added into the rice. 後期認識到它就是這種品種 Later I learned that Jasmine Rice has a natural fragrance. 所以我的很多廚師朋友 Many of my chef friends 都好像幾乎都是用這個 prefer to use Jasmine Rice. 梅乾菜排骨煲仔飯 Claypot Rice with Pork Ribs and Preserved Vegetable 泰國香米獨特的香氣讓人回味 Thai Jasmine Rice has a unique aroma that lingers. 嚐起來香甜嫩滑口感絕佳 It tastes fragrant, sweet and smooth. 羅師傅說 According to Chef Lo, 廣東人最愛吃的煲仔飯 Claypot rice, which is a favorite Cantonese dish, 可以說把泰國香米的優點 is a great cooking method that brings out 發揮到了淋漓盡致 the best flavor and texture of Jasmine Rice. 煲仔飯 它就是一個 The key with claypot rice, 我剛才說的重點就是 as I was saying, is that 呈現給客人 客人打開蓋 the moment your guest opens the lid, 要用餐的時候色香味形它都具備 you see that the color, aroma, flavor and shape of the ingredients are preserved very well 因為它香味保存地比較好 比較持久 The claypot enables the aroma to be preserved longer. 然後呢泰國香米 On top of that, Jasmine Rice itself 它本身很清香的味道 has a refreshing aroma. 比較原始的味道 It has an original flavor. 排骨呢 它就是我洗得很乾淨 I’ve rinsed the ribs thoroughly. 它的肉質 肉的香味 Its texture and aroma are 也是比較單純的一種 pretty simple. 再加上蒜汁 蔥 Add garlic sauce and scallion. 這個是一個很完美的結合 我覺得 I think this is a perfect combination. 很有彈性的米 This rice has a bouncy texture. 米洗好了 We have rinsed the rice. 用一比一點五的比例加水 When you add water to rice, use the 1:1.5 ratio. 接下來加蓋開始煮米 Close the lid and let the rice cook. 煮米的過程中 As the rice is cooking, 羅師傅一邊準備配料的部分 Chef Lo prepares the other ingredients. 首先切蔥 First, chop the scallion. 以及紅椒 Chop the red peppers. 紅椒主要起到的是配色的作用 The red peppers add a dash of bright color to the dish. 排骨洗淨以後 After you wash the ribs, 用生抽、蠔油、白糖、生粉 Marinate the ribs for 20 minutes by adding 少量的梅干菜醃製20分鐘以後待用 light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, corn starch, and a little preserved vegetable. Set aside for later. 待飯煮到起泡泡時 When you see bubbling in the rice cooker, 將醃製好的排骨放到飯面 place marinated ribs on top of the rice. 加蓋繼續轉為慢火煨煮 Close the lid and continue to cook with low heat. 煲仔飯還有一個比較重要的是配飯的醬汁 The other important component of claypot rice is the sauce that goes with the rice. 各家做法往往不同 Every restaurant makes the sauce differently. 每一家有每一家的獨家風味 Every restaurant’s sauce has its unique flavor. 草菇 老抽 冰糖 洋蔥 Some ingredients for the sauce may include dark soy sauce, crystal sugar, onion, 還有小蔥 這種小蔥 And this kind of small scallion. 去熬製 可能熬兩個半小時 It takes about two and a half hours to cook the sauce. 把它熬得稠稠的 Cook until the sauce is thick. 你看醬油把它熬得稠稠的 The dark soy sauce is reduced to a thick consistency. 它也不是很鹹不是很甜但是很鮮 It’s neither very salty nor very sweet, but it’s very flavorful. 做菜其實跟中醫很相似 Cooking is actually very much like Chinese medicine. 我以前也經常跟朋友都說望聞問切 I used to tell my friends that when you cook, you make your “diagnosis” by “seeing, listening, questioning and feeling the pulse.” 吱吱的聲音就是判斷它的水分還有多少 When you hear the “hissing” sounds, you can tell how much water is left. 如果說感覺到它的汁響很快 If the
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